Episode 6: Chapter 5 – Self – Part 2
We carry forward from our experience of loving something bigger than ourselves – our experience of awe – the reward of humble gratefulness as well as the positive affect that leads to subjective well-being, happiness, and success (Baumeister et al., 2003; Khatoon, 2015; Van Cappellen et al., 2016). It is here that we step further into positive psychology and the value of positive emotions in being our best selves (Csikszentmihalyi, 2009; Fredrickson, 2003; 2009; Seligman, 2006). I maintain that Jesus’ claim intentionally states to love something bigger than ourselves first because in doing this we find the mirror for how to love our self – with humble gratefulness, with recognition of our unique sense of purpose, and with a fresh, tingling, renewed sense of belonging. Supporting this, Lin (2014) finds that a higher order gratitude uniquely predicts subjective well- being….
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